Community Activities

Community Involvement

Eastside Psychological Associates has been involved in Seattle’s eastside communities since 1991 beginning in Woodinville and expanding to Issaquah and Snoqualmie Ridge areas. Eastside Psychological Associates is strongly committed to the health of Seattle’s eastside as well as to the national, and international communities that directly and indirectly support the wellness in all of our lives. Healthy people benefit from healthy communities to grow and thrive.

Eastside in committed to:

  1. Supporting our local communities by offering preventative group services, collaborating with school districts, and volunteering time in local organizations such as community boards, new parent support groups, and teen mentoring programs.
  2. Providing talks to local groups and hosting trainings and community events in our group rooms in Bothell and Snoqualmie Ridge.
  3. Partnering with hospitals and medical groups to help integrate behavioral medicine with primary care as well participating in regional disaster preparedness and response teams both locally and internationally.
  4. Collaboration with educational institutions focused on professional board certification, teaching, and training as well as donating time to the supervision and training of new psychologists and mental health care providers.

Group Therapy and Prevention Services

Groups provide opportunities for people with common interests to come together to learn skills and share experiences in a supportive environment.

The following groups are currently being offered to the public:

  • Coping with Grief

    by Dr. Anna Kotelnikova (425-243-4048)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) informed Groups for Teens

    by Dr. Christina Diamonti (206-372-5807)
  • Executive Functioning and Organization Skills for Teens diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorders, Non-Verbal Learning disabilities, and Anxiety

    by Dr. Tatyana Shepel (435- 427-2474, ext 3).
  • GLBTQ Youth Group

    by Dr. Mike Archer (425-427-2474, ext 1)
  • Good Divorces

    by Dr. Melissa Finch (425-954-5439)
  • Helping Children Deal with Divorce

    by Dr. Sharon Young (425-427-2474, ext 6)
  • Life in Balance

    by Drs. Andrea Neal (206- 678-6976)
  • Mindful Parenting Strategies for Teens; Parent Communication with Teens and Tweens

    by Dr. Anna Kotelnikova (425-243-4048)
  • Mindfulness Training Class for Adults

    by Drs. Andrea Neal (206-678-6976) and Alisa Burpee (425-481-5700 x8)
  • Parent Group for Children with Learning Disabilities

    by Dr. Sharon Young (425-427-2474, ext 6)
  • Parenting Your Anxious Child

    by Drs. Tona McGuire (425-481-5700, ext 4), and Kristy Ludwig (425-243-4791)
  • Parenting Your Challenging Child

    by Dr. Lauren Silvers (206-999-8778)
  • Self Esteem for Girls, ages 8 to 12

    by Dr. Anna Kotelnikova (425-243-4048)
  • Support Group for Women

    by Dr. Anna Kotelnikova (425- 243- 4048)

Community Partnership

EPA is engaged in partnering with others in the community. These partnerships include: Seattle Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, Eastside Health Alliance, Eastside Health Network, Allegro Pediatrics, Woodinville Pediatrics,The American Board of Professional Psychology, The American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, Northwest Healthcare Response Network, Washington State Psychological Association, and Public and Private Schools.

Charitable Giving

During the holiday season each year Eastside Psychological Associates identifies and collects money for donation to a local charity. Our aim is to identify a local organization that is dedicated to helping promote prevention and wellness in the community.